About Me

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I want the world to make sense. I try to make it my life's goal to connect to every living thing I meet, whether it has two legs, four legs, or chlorophyll for arms. Love in all its forms is a constant chase for me and as Robert Browning said " it takes up one's life, thats all." I am often Nostalgia's Nightingale and live in memories of the past, but I know my future is radiant. Tear drops are sweet to me and seem to follow my countenance on sad days, but I love to laugh. Were the world mine... we would never grow old and we would all kiss when greeting a friend. All writings are my own so you will find comma splices and many run on sentences. The pictures have been taken by my dear friend Isabel Turley . One of the most brilliant and beautiful girls I know. Thankyou and I hope you enjoy.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Grey Matter

They say Love can cover a multitude of sins, but is that really so?
What if love at his best can only disguise a multitude of offences until that dreadful Unmasking Day in which our true heart's intentions take advantage of this nakedness inside our achilles heel.
When did all the truth in the universe go grey?
If we had gone green at least we would have stood for something definite such as
                                                                or Greed
                                                       or Earthday.
Since when did Venus spew lies about her amourous sojourn through loving hearts?
Is "A pair of Star Crossed" whatever the line is, just a fable?
And this sentimental scout is not speaking of romance!...
He is speaking of
                                                      and Truth
                                                      and Tenacity
                                                      and "will you stay?"
                                                      and "do not leave me"

and what ever it takes to believe that we are not a forsaken people.
Is there no black and white?...
Or are all things in this galactic planetorium, a dissapointing shade of grey?
And this sentimental scout is not speaking of color!... I'm speaking of ...
                                        " Do you think we could ever be happy?"...

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