About Me

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I want the world to make sense. I try to make it my life's goal to connect to every living thing I meet, whether it has two legs, four legs, or chlorophyll for arms. Love in all its forms is a constant chase for me and as Robert Browning said " it takes up one's life, thats all." I am often Nostalgia's Nightingale and live in memories of the past, but I know my future is radiant. Tear drops are sweet to me and seem to follow my countenance on sad days, but I love to laugh. Were the world mine... we would never grow old and we would all kiss when greeting a friend. All writings are my own so you will find comma splices and many run on sentences. The pictures have been taken by my dear friend Isabel Turley . One of the most brilliant and beautiful girls I know. Thankyou and I hope you enjoy.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Something to Keep me Warm.

When words are never enough,
            I pray to the sky that my tears can undo the shackles that captivate a nation.
            On Sundays I kneel before that very same sky, that same blue pool of wonder,
            that same three- person Royal existing above my world, and ask for a another Castle.
            Another piece of rock that holds all of the faces that have those twenty- three basic chromosomes.

When words are never enough,
           I sit beneath a tree at some cold and melancholy park.
           It is winter then and it seems like this tree is the only chance for warmth.
           It is winter then and my breath is more solid than the castle I asked for on the Sabbath.
           The sky is grey now and I am frigtened.

When words are never enough,
          that park means more to me than love.
                             I hate that.
          I hate that sadness holds a pang in my heart as great,
                             or greater,
          as when a child is born, or when that same child grows up to die for us Unworthies.

When words are never enough

          " God Damn!" I scream, "is there nothing I can say to you blue pool eyed Something, that is ever enough to keep me warm."

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